Frequently asked questions

What are other people wondering?


Q: How do I know if Chiropractic care is right for me?

A: We understand that trying to find solutions to your health concerns can be overwhelming at times. That's why we offer a COMPLIMENTARY 15-MINUTE CONSULTATION with Dr. John Rakowicz DC to discuss if our care is the right fit for you. Our goal is to assist our tribe members in the best way possible.

Q: Iā€™m pregnant, is it safe to be adjusted?

A: Absolutely, it's safe for our pregnant tribe members to get adjusted. We have special pillows and tables designed to make the process comfortable for women at all stages of pregnancy. Chiropractic adjustments can lead to improved birth outcomes, smoother and faster labors, and optimal positioning and nerve supply for the baby's growth and development. If you're experiencing pain, chiropractic care can also help prevent discomfort such as sciatica and round ligament pain for expectant mothers as their bodies go through changes.

Q: Why should i get my kids checked by a Chiropractor?

A: We recommend that children have chiropractic check-ups right from birth. For our tribe members, if you've been under our care during pregnancy, we'll give you a free in-home adjustment within the first two weeks after giving birth. Plus, we offer your newborn a complimentary "welcome to Earth" check. Whether your baby's birth was long or quick, natural or with assistance, or even a C-section, it can put some pressure on their spine and nervous system. The way your baby was positioned in the womb can also affect their spinal alignment. As your little one grows, starts to crawl and walk, they often take some tumbles and bumps. Chiropractic adjustments are essential to help keep kids aligned during these growing-up years.

Q: Do I need Chiropractic for life?

A: Our care should only be utilized for as long as it is serving you to become a better, healthier, and more vibrant you. Typically, tribe members do choose to stay with us for general well-being care because they like the way they feel and function after a chiropractic adjustment. We understand that maintaining an interference-free nervous system with optimal communication and connection is essential for health throughout a lifetime.