What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is not a treatment for anything, it’s a tool for a more consciously connected life. It’s goal is not to treat sickness but to increase health.
Health Care
In its most basic form, Health Care is about supporting the vibrant health and wellness of the individual, so as to create a vibrantly healthy community. Sickness, injury and emotionally stressful events are a part of our life experience, how we respond to and move forward from these challenges shape our perspective to describe our individual and global quality of health.
Sick Care
Much of the current “health care and insurance” model in the West is focused not on health but rather on sickness, and it seeks for a quick fix that often leads to an unimpactful resolution. This “health care” model views injury and disease as something that is outside of, and opposite to, health. Pain and symptoms become something that is numbed or covered up, often with medication.
The major premise of Chiropractic is that necessary to life is an orchestrating force which exists within each person. This innate intelligence, which houses itself in the nervous system, allows the body-mind to encounter and adapt to more things and to become educated of its environmental and self relationship for growth and evolution. The level of clarity within the nervous system is intimately related to the level of clarity within this innate intelligence. In Chiropractic, quality of health is equivalent to the quality of the expression of this life force.
Subluxation is an interference with this expression. When we encounter a movement, an idea, or a chemical or microorganism that our body-mind cannot overcome, it finds ways to adapt, storing the information of this insult in a certain pattern until we can overcome it and learn from it. If these subluxation patterns are not dealt with, one continues to build on top of, and deepen their dependency on these patterns. This continues until that pattern can no longer support the demands placed on it and it breaks, this breakdown is when injury and sickness occur.
The chiropractic adjustment creates movement between different patterns and strategies, allowing us the most chance of encountering situations which we can integrate and learn from. This expansion of possibilities allows the innate intelligence to express through more avenues, meaning when seen from the outside more life is seen to be expressing.
With specific impulses into the nervous system of the body, Chiropractic is a powerful tool for creating an adaptable and vibrantly healthy community.
Content on this Blog is adapted from Dr. Ricky Polizo D.C. at Flow Chiropractic.