6 Reasons: Why magnesium is more important than you think.
1.) You probably don't get enough Magnesium
Evidence suggests that most people in the western world are suffering from magnesium deficiency. Whether it be from not eating enough foods that are magnesium-rich, or from eating foods depleted of their nutrients due to soil conditions, many people have found themselves needing a little extra magnesium in their diets. (Note: Magnesium absorption is reduced by aging by as much as 30%)
2.) Magnesium could change your relationship with migraines
Outperforming the placebo effect by over 25% Magnesium supplementation has been shown to reduce migraine frequency, duration, and intensity - something anyone who experiences migraines would be thankful for.
3.) Magnesium is linked to Healthier births
Supplementation during pregnancy using magnesium has shown to be beneficial in many ways, including lower frequency of low birth weight infants. Listen up, Mommas!
4.) High magnesium intake showed an inverse relationship to BMI and Body Fat %
Struggling to lose that weight you've been working off? It might have more to do with nutrition than repetition. Ask yourself some simple questions about the quality of your diet lately. Are you getting the nutrients you need? Are you being kind to your body? Is your food high quality? Well-sourced?
5.) Magnesium has been shown to help with sleep
Recovery, Recovery, Recovery. I talk about it all the time with my patients. Sleep and proper recovery routines are vital for sustained health. With that said, it looks like magnesium, the hero that it is, can help with sleep too! Studies show Magnesium is a natural NMDA antagonist and a GABA agonist, aiding in the relaxation and sleep processes. Especially helpful for those experiencing sleep Insomnia!
6.) Magnesium intake is inversely related to the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes
There is excess excretion of Mg with the presence of type 1 or type 2 diabetes However, getting enough magnesium still appears to be possible. In one research study, a 100 mg/day increase in Mg intake (by either diet or supplementation) resulted in a 15% reduction in the incidence of diabetes. Some studies have also shown Magnesium to aid in the neuropathies associated with the progression of diabetes.
Read more about the research at: www.Tinyurl.com/chirhotribe1