“Doc, Why do I need to come back again if you properly adjusted my “subluxation” on this visit?”
Well, Let’s talk about Onions… I mean, layers, Let’s talk about layers. These “subluxations” that we have talked about together, well, your body often presents these subluxations to us in “layers”. What does that mean? The Human System may show one layer to us today, and a new layer of subluxations tomorrow. Or, The Human System may show us one pattern in one layer at the beginning of our visit, and by the end be calling out for a correction input in a totally different pattern in a totally different layer by the end of the very same visit.
Generally, the Human System will only accept a certain amount of corrective inputs in a certain time period. So, each visit we will look at what your body is presenting to us and correct what is requesting correction until the body has had enough input, and then we allow time to play its sacred role in the healing process.
Continue on your healing journey - You Are Worth It!