These 3 Exercises Will Keep Your Back Safe on the Golf Course.

1.)  Planks

Begin lying face down with your upper body propped up on your elbows. Raise your hips up to a "plank" position while keeping your feet, hips, shoulders, and head aligned. Be sure not to allow your hips to sag or stick up. Tense all the muscles in your arms and legs for seven seconds, then release. Perform as directed. To advance, perform a "sawing" motion by rocking your body forward and backward, using your elbow as a fulcrum. If you’re a beginner, aim for three sets of 10 second holds. As you get stronger, work your way up to 30 seconds each.


2.)  Seated Rotations

Sit in a chair or on a bench. Grab a golf club and hold it on your shoulders behind your neck (this will keep you upright and in good posture). Without moving your hips, slowly turn your upper body to the left. Come back through the center and turn to the right. Repeat for 10 reps (left-center-right-center is one rep). Do three sets.


3.)  Glute Bridges

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Tighten your abdomen and tuck your pelvis toward your rib cage to perform a "pelvic tilt". Slowly lift your hips off of the ground until your body is in a straight line between your knees and shoulders. Hold for a breath or two. Return to the start position and perform three sets of 10 repetitions once per day or as directed.


**Bonus Tip** Take Care of Your Spine

Visit your chiropractor, get a good idea of where your spinal health is at RIGHT NOW, and then plan to accomplish any needed care, afterwards, check in with your spine on a regular basis, you only get ONE SPINE!


8 Tips to reduce back pain during golf.


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