Understanding How Chiropractic Helps Your Brain: Neuroplasticity Explained
Ever wonder how chiropractic adjustments can improve your brain's function? It's all about neuroplasticity, the brain's amazing ability to adapt and change. In this blog post, we'll break down what neuroplasticity means, how it relates to chiropractic care, and why it's essential for your overall health.
What is Neuroplasticity?
Neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, is your brain's knack for rewiring itself in response to new experiences, learning, and even injury.1 Think of it as your brain's way of staying flexible and adapting to life's challenges.
When you get a chiropractic adjustment, it's not just about relieving pain; it's also about improving the way your brain and body communicate. By realigning your spine, chiropractic adjustments help remove interference in your nervous system, allowing your brain to send and receive messages more efficiently.
Neuroplasticity is key here because it means that when your spine is properly aligned, your brain can start forming new connections and strengthening existing ones. Over time, this can lead to better coordination, improved mood, and even sharper cognitive function.2-4
Understanding how neuroplasticity and chiropractic care go hand in hand is essential for your health. It means that by getting regular chiropractic adjustments, you're not only addressing pain and discomfort in the short term but also promoting long-term changes in your brain and nervous system.
This has big implications for conditions like chronic pain, headaches, and even neurological disorders.5-7 By tapping into your brain's natural ability to adapt, chiropractic care can help you manage these conditions more effectively and improve your overall quality of life.
Neuroplasticity is a game-changer when it comes to chiropractic care. By realigning your spine and optimizing your nervous system function, chiropractic adjustments can help your brain function better than ever before. If you want to learn more about this, we suggest you check out the work of Heidi Haavik. Here is a video of Heidi Haavik and Russell Brand.
If you're ready to experience the benefits of chiropractic care and harness the power of neuroplasticity for your health, we're here to help. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment and take the first step toward a happier, healthier you.
Remember, your brain is capable of incredible things. With chiropractic care, you can unlock its full potential and live your best life!
1. Mann DJ, Mattox R. Chiropractic management of a patient with chronic pain in a Federally Qualified Health Center: A case report. Journal of chiropractic medicine. June 2018. Accessed April 3, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6112063/.
2. Lelic D, Niazi IK, Holt K, et al. Manipulation of dysfunctional spinal joints affects sensorimotor integration in the prefrontal cortex: A brain source localization study. Neural Plasticity. March 7, 2016. Accessed April 3, 2024. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/np/2016/3704964/.
3. Kiani AK, Maltese PE, Dautaj A, et al. Neurobiological basis of chiropractic manipulative treatment of the spine in the care of major depression. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis. November 9, 2020. Accessed April 3, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8023121/.
4. Author links open overlay panelKelly R. Holt BSc (Chiro), a, b, et al. Effectiveness of chiropractic care to improve sensorimotor function associated with falls risk in older people: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. April 2, 2016. Accessed April 3, 2024. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0161475416000506.
5. Puderbaugh M. Neuroplasticity. StatPearls [Internet]. May 1, 2023. Accessed April 3, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557811/#:~:text=Neuroplasticity%2C%20also%20known%20as%20neural,functional%20changes%20to%20the%20brain.
6. Lynge S, Dissing KB, Vach W, Christensen HW, Hestbaek L. Effectiveness of chiropractic manipulation versus sham manipulation for recurrent headaches in children aged 7-14 years - a randomised clinical trial. Chiropractic & manual therapies. January 7, 2021. Accessed April 3, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7792176/#:~:text=multiplicity%20into%20account.-,Results,with%20a%20sham%20manipulation%20procedure.
7. Kachmar O, Voloshyn T, Hordiyevych M. Changes in muscle spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy after spinal manipulation: Case series. Journal of chiropractic medicine. December 2016. Accessed April 3, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5106424/.